Thursday, September 3, 2020

10 Tips for Critiquing Other Peoples Writing

10 Tips for Critiquing Other Peoples Writing 10 Tips for Critiquing Other People’s Writing 10 Tips for Critiquing Other People’s Writing By Mark Nichol You’ve consented to survey somebody else’s composing. You’ve accepted my recommendation and decided if the individual is mentioning a general impression or is requesting a top to bottom evaluate. In the event that the essayist has the last as a primary concern, you’ve offered to assess a short example as a manual for help the individual extrapolate what they should search for when they amend their draft. (In the event that you’re requested to evaluate a whole book top to bottom, you ought to do so just for pay or as a major aspect of a dealing course of action, in light of the fact that you’re being solicited to commit handfuls from hours of your time.) You have additionally resolved to be straightforward and objective, since that is the thing that the essayist needs and needs: If you note basic shortcomings or limp composition, an abstract operator or an editorial manager will surely do as such, and your undertaking is to enable the author to determine such defects with the goal that they are missing from the original copy the essayist in the long run submits to a specialist or a distributer. Here are ten hints for a positive, beneficial studying experience: 1. Endure the Task At the point when you compose, you don’t must be a devotee or master to deliver an article or a story on a given theme. Editors don’t need these capabilities, either, and they don’t must be fascinated of the writer’s voice or strategy. The equivalent goes for somebody leading an evaluate: Don’t turn down a solicitation for input in light of the fact that you’re not inspired by the subject or you don’t like the composing style. Help the essayist prevail with regards to contacting the crowd they are composing for. (Be that as it may, don’t waver to communicate your assessment in the event that you think the methodology is defective.) 2. Request a Clean Copy The original copy test you get ought to show up precisely as it would look when it’s prepared for accommodation to a distributing proficient. Printed copy ought to be twofold dispersed and should be liberated from written by hand comments or emendations. An electronic report ought to be expertly designed and in any event generally without the writer’s notes to self. 3. Imprint It Up In the event that you’re surveying an electronic duplicate, enact change following and alter it. Addition notes utilizing the remark include or by entering them in sections, featured in boldface or with hued type or foundation, so they are effectively found and recognized from the substance. In the event that you’re chipping away at printed version, utilize a pen or a shaded pencil for brief notes, and compose or type your point by point questions and remarks on a different piece of paper or in a PC record. 4. Assess the Writing, Not the Writer Praises and grievances the same should concentrate on the item, not the maker. Allude to the sentence or the segment, the character or their activities, the story stream or the trading of discourse instead of to the individual who mentioned your assistance. Recommend how to improve the article or the story, not the essayist. 5. Start and Stop with the Positive Regardless of whether you’re reacting with general impressions or giving point by point input, start by commending the qualities of the example, and repeat your positive criticism when you sum up your evaluate. Allude to qualities, not shortcomings, and utilize constructive language: â€Å"stronger,† â€Å"more interesting,† â€Å"a better approach.† Be straightforward however conciliatory: Even individuals who can take analysis need to hear that they’re accomplishing something right, and that’s what you should begin (and end) with. 6. Art Your Critiques Be explicit, not ambiguous. Be dynamic, not uninvolved. Point out issues, yet propose arrangements. You will probably plainly impart to the author about how they can all the more unmistakably convey to their perusers. 7. Guide, Don’t Carry The author will acknowledge centered criticism, and you should don't hesitate to show exact changes in structure or tone and nitty gritty modifications of account or discourse, yet do so sparingly. Think about your recommendation as examples for the author to use as layouts, or you may wind up modifying the piece, and the essayist will have learned pretty much nothing or nothing (aside from never to request your assistance again). 8. Welcome Questions Set up a chance to go over your scrutinize after the author has gotten an opportunity to audit it. Welcome the writer’s demands for explanation and conversation. In the event that the essayist gets guarded, notice that you have offered your point of view, and that they are allowed to follow up on your study as they see fit. 9. Development Check in with the author and perceive how they’re advancing. Regardless of how cautious you are tied in with being strategic, the essayist may feel somewhat battered, and some portion of your unwritten agreement ought to incorporate a condition expecting you to stay in contact about the venture. 10. Know Your Limits It’s sensible for an author to approach you for a subsequent light gander at the piece after they have made changes in light of your remarks, or to demand that you give a general impression about an amendment dependent on your top to bottom study. Be that as it may, build up limits about how much time and exertion you use on the writer’s work. Need to improve your English quickly a day? Get a membership and begin getting our composing tips and activities every day! Continue learning! Peruse the Fiction Writing class, check our mainstream posts, or pick a related post below:35 Synonyms for â€Å"Look†Used To versus Use ToHow Do You Fare?

Saturday, August 22, 2020

West African Art Essay Example For Students

West African Art Essay At the point when W. E.B. Du Bois declared in his superb work Souls of Black Folk, that the issue of the twentieth Century is the shading line . . . promptly he set out a social and logical worldview that in a flash perceived that the major racial issue in America was that current among Blacks and Whites. All things considered, we are still, toward the finish of the twentieth Century, battling with the subject of what sort of popularity based society we are, or whether we will be a just society by any means, regularly absent to the way that the agreeable goals of Du Bois worldview is the most basic component in the inquiry. In this regard, what has not been completely gotten a handle on by the new extreme conservatism is the thought that social equity and human rights never were disengaged networks of significant worth inside the structure of a bigger political system; that they, truth be told, characterize the very idea of vote based system itself. Majority rules system isn't only the legitimate structure of the Constitution, however the genuine relations among individuals administered by it. In this way, the basic target during the time spent Blacks looking for social equity has been to move from a selective thought of majority rule government dependent on White strength to one more immaculate even than that imagined by the authors. At the point when America was first characterized, the organizers discussed the issues engaged with the character of vote based system. In any case, the unchallenged and hidden the truth was that the definitive social structure and the powerful citizenship of the country would be White and male, ladies having been avoided by custom, most Blacks as slaves rejected by law, and even supposed liberated Blacks not viewed as residents. Local Americans, obviously, not exclusively were barred, yet were in peril of elimination. From their situation as the legitimate residents, Whites had the option to raise establishments and to act in manners that authorized their ideas of social, political, and monetary conduct. Positively, gatherings, for example, the Irish or Jews were considered inside the hierarchy as socially not exactly the English, Germans, and French. Furthermore, by the mid twentieth century, the Chinese, who had been brought to the nation in the nineteenth century to take a shot at the railways, were legitimately rejected by the section of the Johnson-Reed Act of 1924 that influenced Japanese prohibition. From that point forward, race relations have been characterized by the distraction with the genuine and emblematic clash among Black and White. Obviously, we can't think about race and shading in America as absolutes, for inside each gathering there is a characteristic variety of science in individuals who have been presented to the world. For example, for the motivations behind keeping up social force, White individuals were made in America. This gathering would have the social variety of numerous European ethnic gatherings Irish, German, Slav, French, Spanish, Nordic, all subject to the commanding impacts of the English culture, political structure, and financial force. Yet, to practice that power, they converged into a characterized Whiteness of status and conduct. Africans conceived in America were dealt with all things considered as Blacks, shaded, and Negroes. They not exclusively were socially African, they were Mandingo, Yoruba, Nuer, Ovinbundu, and so forth., who came to have the seasoning of English, French, Dutch or other European societies through their involvement in imperialism. Along these lines, while social varieties exist inside the prevailing gathering of White just as Black, it is power that characterizes the racial separation as happening in close to supreme terms. In other words, any Black individual, regardless of how rich, is liable to demonstrations of subjection dependent on race. The Black/White worldview is as yet an advantageous method to exchange about race, where Blacks speak to the mistreated and Whites the predominant gathering. All non-White gatherings have been abused to some degree by the prevailing society, not as in they were just despised by the White dominant part (displaying partiality or racial separation), however that they were constrained into specific jobs by it. Where the guideline (expressed or implicit) of the utilization of intensity depended on race, it was bigotry. Feagin and Sikes characterize prejudice as follows: Racism is racial separation supported by the force and assets to impact inconsistent results dependent on race. (Feagin and Sikes, Living with Racism, Beacon, 1994). The utilization of the intensity of the White lion's share upon Blacks is a proportion of the transparency of society and a remark upon the idea of majority rules system. This force has been practiced in close to home acts, for example, merciless types of lynching in which Blacks were scorched alive or hanged, and current types of lynching, for example, when Blacks have been pounded the life out of while in prison. (Southern Poverty Law Center, 1994 Report) Also, establishments have utilized their capacity to deny Blacks access to capital, frequently through their own stores in banks, to purchase houses, leasing, or guaranteeing their property. Other prejudicial episodes incorporate Blacks being associated with taking product and freely embarrassed by being compelled to strip or perform other mortifying acts. At that point, progressively modern demonstrations of scholarly bigotry have reliably scrutinized the psychological capacities of Blacks and, specifically, their knowledge, in books, for example, The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life, by Richard Herrenstein and Charles Murray. (New York: The Free Press/Macmillan, 1994). The Black/White Paradigm Becomes Multicultural The worldview of Black and White changed with present day occasions that modified its utilization and significance. For instance, Asian migration to the United States came rapidly during the 1970s and 1980s with outcasts from the Korean War, and particularly after the Vietnam War. Indeed, even the proceeded with reign of the Communists in China animated the progression of workers to these shores. For instance, in 1970 the U.S. Registration checked 1,438,544 Asians, yet by 1990, they had developed to five fold the number, 7,273,662. In like manner, Hispanics, baited by the monetary fascination of the United States, war in El Salvador and Nicaragua, and the nearness of Mexico, accompanied equivalent relinquish, with the end goal that since 1970, Hispanics expanded from 9,072,602 to 22,354,059! The outcome is that in states like California 45 percent of the inhabitants are as of now Black, Asian or Hispanic, and non-White youngsters are as of now a lion's share in the educational system. The fast pace of social decent variety is reflected in Census information for non-White populace development, which show that between 1980-1990, Blacks developed by .2 percent and Native Americans by .09 percent, yet Asians developed by 1.1 percent and Hispanics by the most elevated pace of 1. 6 percent. Numerous approaching gatherings, for example, Hispanics and Asians have profited by the presence of a lawful system of rights contained in the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which precludes oppression various social gatherings, as one secured class, in business, training, and different territories of society. Be that as it may, with the extension of gatherings and the rights they appreciate, a contention has created as some decipher this development of vote based system as a danger to the interests of the prevailing White greater part, particularly as financial rivalry increments. Multiculturalism Liberal sociologists, for example, Gunnar Myrdal, who composed what is viewed as a great on race relations, An American Dilemma, during the 1940s, suggested that pluralism could crush racial segregation and subjection. In actuality, pluralism accepted that a hypothetical balance among Blacks and Whites could be accomplished without genuine adjustment in the status of Whites, by the end of racial separation and the act of pluralistic correspondence. In addition to the fact that this was a bogus vision of racial elements, yet additionally it shielded Americans from the way that they rehearsed a destructive sort of Apartheid, and from the suggestions if the training halted. The way that each gathering has a social history that shapes its submit in the social request, regularly set apart by disparities of intensity, discredits the precept of pluralism. History specialist Dr. Arthur Schlesinger, in The Disuniting of America, composes of Hector St. John de Crevecour, an eighteenth Century Frenchman who had settled in the American provinces in 1759 in Orange County, New York, who posed the inquiry, What at that point, is this American? He responded to his own inquiry by saying: He is an American who, abandoning him all his old preferences and habits, gets new ones from the new method of life he has grasped, the new government he complies, and the new position he holds. The American is a renewed person, who follows up on new standards.. ..Here people of all countries are softened into another race of men. E pluribus Unum!! This was the first hypothesis of the mixture. Schlesinger, a pundit of multiculturalism, conceded that the United States has never satisfied Crevecours unique perfect of the blend, however he didn't concede the way that the structure of solidarity gave by the English and their European cousins was kept up forcibly and severity and was forced on a reluctant people, African slaves, yet others too. Along these lines, he would not concede that America has never been joined into one perfect by unreservedly consenting gatherings. It was joined by the utilization of capacity to authorize the standards of the predominant racial class upon Blacks and other subordinate gatherings in a circumstance of fierce inner imperialism. In other words, E Pluribus Unum implied from many, one country, however not one individuals!! Whiteness Today, there are numerous intelligent people Charles Taylor (Multiculturalism and the Politics of Recognition), Amy Gutman, Steven C. Rockefeller, Michael Walzer, and Susan Wolf who restrict multiculturalism, recommending that one should take a gander at culture from an individualized perspective instead of from a gathering point of view. (Taylor, 28) Nevertheless, the characters we have talked about were fabricated both separately and on the whole. So Whites and Blacks are not just people

Friday, August 21, 2020

Safeguarding the Welfare of Children and Young People.

UNIT: TDA 2. 2 SAFEGUARDING THE WELFARE OF CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE. Question 1. TDA 2. 2: LEARNING OUTCOME 2. 4 Describe in detail the moves that you would make reaction to the accompanying crisis circumstances in your setting to include: †¢ Fire †¢ Security occurrences †¢ Missing youngsters and youngsters *********************************************************************** EMERGENCY SITUATIONS FIRE: If I found a fire on the premises I would immediatly raise the alert, in the event that I was close to a telephone I would likewise dial 999. On hearing the alert the head instructor would dial 999 or train an individual from staff to do as such). I would possibly handle the fire if conceivable utilizing the machine gave on the off chance that it was a little fire and I realized how to utilize the apparatus gave effectively and securely. On hearing the alarm, I would adhere to the directions of the educator in control. I would smoothly help with get-together all stude nts and directing them out through the closest fire exit immediatly. On the off chance that I was the last individual out I would guarantee I shut all entryways behind me. All people, staff and students would answer to the gathering point (for my situation it would be the front yard). A register would be taken. The school arrangement expresses any non-attendants a quick hunt will be made. The approach likewise states don't face challenges and don't come back to the structure until approved to do as such. I would intently tune in and adhere to guidelines from the head or instructor in control. I know where all the alarms are and fire exits inside the school and have perused the fire takes note of that are on the divider in the study hall. SECURITY INCIDENTS: Any people entering the school must do as such through gathering. At gathering there is a marking in book any guests to the school must sign in here. The guest must show time of appearance, name, purpose behind visit, and if fundamental give I. d. All guests are required to wear an I. d identification, and must sign out as they leave. In the event that I saw any unidentified individuals on the school premises I would challenge them quickly, and report to the educator or head my interests. All entryway are secure so individuals can't enter from outside however they can be opened effectively from within in case of crises, for example, a fire. Ought to there be a security alert inside the school I would adhere to the guidelines of the individual in control and guarantee all youngsters are in the study hall, where a register would be taken. I would aid keepin kids quiet and keeping them in the homeroom. no one would be permitted to enter or leave the structure until the head gave authorization. MISSING CHILDREN OR YOUNG PEOPLE.. In the event that I understood a youngster was missing I would answer to the instructor in control promptly, I would state where and when I last observed the kid. I would help with keeping the kids quiet and assembling all the kids while an inquiry was sorted out. I would adhere to directions from the instructor in control and aid the quest for the missing kid on the off chance that I was required to do as such. The school would be put on lockdown and nobody would be permitted to enter or leave the structure. In the event that the kid was not found on the premises the childs guardians/gatekeepers and the police would be reached.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

SAT and ACT Prep How Many Practice Tests Should I Take

Take Multiple SAT and ACT Practice Tests As Part of Your Test Prep Plan Practice tests are an integral part of any test ACT prep program, especially when you’re preparing for the SAT or ACT. Regardless of the test you plan to take, practice exams give you an opportunity to challenge your skills and gauge your progress. Incorporating practice tests into your SAT and ACT prep strategy is an easy way to gain confidence, monitor your performance, and prepare yourself for test day. Taking them in timed, quiet, unfamiliar settings, similar to the test day environment, is a surefire way to take your test prep to the next level. This "grind" will either enhance or put pressure on your performance, and you want to go into the official test having this sort of experience under your belt. Number of Practice Tests So how many practice tests should you be taking over the course of your exam prep? While there is no concrete universal number, typically taking one practice test every 10 hours of prep (or about once per month) is most effective for many ACT and SAT students. During your first tutoring sessions, there will be a great deal of test-specific content you will need to get a handle on. You should work with your tutor to get your feet wet on all sections of the test before attempting your first practice test, and we find that this typically lands at or after 10 hours of tutoring. Evaluating Practice Tests Once you receive those results, you will need to review your performance with your tutor and go through the sections and questions types that are considered your weakest areas and adjust your test prep plan moving forward. You should use another 10 hours of prep to refine your knowledge and tailor your approach to those questions. By the time you take your next practice test, your errors should be less centralized to specific content areas and more geared towards â€Å"one-off† errors (such as careless mistakes or particularly tricky problems). After this point, you should be familiar with the format and timing of the test, so many of our tutors begin assigning weekly or bi-weekly practice tests until the official test sitting in order for their students to gain the most exposure possible. Keep in mind, taking a practice test every 10 hours of prep is a general guideline and this is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Due to the individualized nature and customization of tutoring programs, if you are working with tutors, they may adjust your practice test timeline if you are not ready to take another practice test, or if they feel like you would benefit from more practice. However, no matter where you are in your test prep, it is important to make sure you are taking and reviewing these practice tests in order to be best equipped for your official test sitting. Are you on track with your test prep? Download our free Tutoring Checklist to make sure you’re where you need to be with your SAT, ACT, SAT Subject Test prep, and more. //

Monday, May 18, 2020

Profile of The Beatles

The Beatles were an English rock group that  shaped not only music but also an entire generation. With 20 songs that hit #1 on Billboards Hot 100 chart, the Beatles had a large  number of ultra-popular songs, including Hey Jude, Cant Buy Me Love, Help!, and Hard Days Night. The Beatles  style and innovative music set the standard for all musicians to follow. Dates: 1957 -- 1970 Members: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr (stage name of Richard Starkey) Also Known As Quarry Men, Johnny and the Moondogs, Silver Beetles, Beatals John and Paul Meet John Lennon and Paul McCartney first met on July 6, 1957, at a fete (fair) sponsored by St. Peters Parish Church in Woolton (a suburb of Liverpool), England. Although John was only 16, he had already formed a band called the Quarry Men, who were performing at the fete. Mutual friends introduced them after the show and Paul, who had just turned 15, wowed John with his guitar playing and ability to remember lyrics. Within a week of meeting, Paul had become part of the band. George, Stu, and Pete Join the Band In early 1958, Paul recognized talent in his friend George Harrison and the band asked him to join them. However, since John, Paul, and George all played guitars, they were still looking for someone to play bass guitar and/or the drums. In 1959, Stu Sutcliffe, an art student who couldnt play a lick, filled the position of bass guitarist and in 1960, Pete Best, who was popular with the girls, became the drummer. In the summer of 1960, the band was offered a two-month gig in Hamburg, Germany. Re-naming the Band It was also in 1960 that the Stu suggested a new name for the band. In honor of Buddy Hollys band, the Crickets—of whom Stu was a huge fan—he recommended the name of The Beetles. John changed the spelling of the name to Beatles as a pun for beat music, another name for rock n roll. In 1961, back in Hamburg, Stu quit the band and went back to studying art, so Paul took up the bass guitar. When the band (now only four members) returned to Liverpool, they had fans. The Beatles Sign a Record Contract In the fall of 1961, the Beatles signed a manager, Brian Epstein. Epstein succeeded in getting the band a record contract in March 1962. After hearing a few sample songs, George Martin, the producer, decided he liked the music but was even more enchanted with the boys witty humor. Martin signed the band to a one-year record contract but recommended a studio drummer for all recordings. John, Paul, and George used this as an excuse to fire Best and replace him with Ringo Starr. In September 1962, the Beatles recorded their first single. On one side of the record was the song Love Me Do and on the flip side, P.S. I Love You. Their first single was a success but it was their second, with the song Please Please Me, that made them their first number-one hit. By early 1963, their fame began to soar. After quickly recording a long album, the Beatles spent much of 1963 touring. The Beatles Go to America Although Beatlemania had overtaken Great Britain, the Beatles still had the challenge of the United States. Despite already having achieved one number-one hit in the U.S. and had been greeted by 5,000 screaming fans when they arrived at the New York airport, it was the Beatles February 9, 1964, appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show that ensured Beatlemania in America. Movies By 1964, the Beatles were making movies. Their first film, A Hard Days Night portrayed an average day in the life of the Beatles, most of which was running from chasing girls. The Beatles followed this with four additional movies: Help! (1965), Magical Mystery Tour (1967), Yellow Submarine (animated, 1968), and Let It Be (1970). The Beatles Start to Change By 1966, the Beatles were growing weary of their popularity. Plus, John caused an uproar when he was quoted as saying, Were more popular than Jesus now. The group, tired and worn out, decided to end their touring and solely record albums. About this same time, the Beatles began to shift to psychedelic influences. They started using marijuana and LSD and learning about Eastern thought. These influences shaped their Sgt. Pepper album. In August 1967, the Beatles received the terrible news of the sudden death of their manager, Brian Epstein, from an overdose. The Beatles never rebounded as a group after Epsteins death. The Beatles Break Up Many people blame Johns obsession with Yoko Ono and/or Pauls new love, Linda Eastman, as the reason for the bands break up. However, the band members had been growing apart for years. On August 20, 1969, the Beatles recorded together for the very last time and in 1970 the group officially dissolved. John, Paul, George, and Ringo went their separate ways. Unfortunately, John Lennons life was cut short when a deranged fan shot him on December 8, 1980. George Harrison died on November 29, 2001, from a long battle with throat cancer.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

I Am A First Generation College Student Essay - 1618 Words

I am a first generation college student that has made it to a higher education. I see myself as the second daughter, that has come out the land of pride and production. I am from Richmond, California, but that’s just where I geographically from, when in reality I came from a strong family of immigrants. My parents both came to the United States as a young 26, and 24-year-old parents of one child. I did not come until two years later that I came, I came into the world, and was already marked with the name of an anchor baby. As I grow up I did not really know what I was, what I did was always question myself, am I just a reason to keep my parents here longer? Why am I called an anchor baby? I felt that I did not fit in but my schools I went to school always had a mixture of students. I did not know what I was or who I was, I had not direct connection to any ethnicity. When I was in elementary school there where a mixture of Whites, Asians, Latinos, and African Americans ethnicit ies, grow up in a multicultural area I didn’t think about race or class as much as late in life. Race was a topic that I did not really think and talked about until I was placed into a private school that class was visible, and I began to be more aware or class and race. I would not talk about race or class at school, but I would wait to talk about it when I would get home. At the time I did not know what race really meant, I thought the race was just like ethnicity, I did not even think about race asShow MoreRelatedI Am A First Generation College Student1703 Words   |  7 PagesI have grown up as a middle child in a small town called Valley City, where there is such a thing as â€Å"bring your tractor to school day.† I have always loved to learn and naturally strived to do my best in school. I am a first generation college student. 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Practice for Enrolled Nurses Samples for Students †MyAssignmenthelp.c

Question: Discuss about the Practice for Enrolled Nurses. Answer: Introduction Scope of practice for enrolled nurses denotes the task that they are authorized or has the knowledge to undertake. Its importance includes ensuring enrolled nurses practice and offer services that they are competent on and thus, providing effective care. In so doing, the nursing board has come up with a decision-making framework for use by enrolled nurses (Gill et al., 2012). Additionally, enrolled nurses educational attainment, authority and competency help to perform given tasks. Lastly, for best practices, NMBA decision-making framework sets out principles that enable enrolled nurses not to compromise safety. Scope of practice for Enrolled Nurses Enrolled nurses have broad but specified functions, activities or responsibilities and decision-making ability that they are tasked with often dependent on their profession, authority and competency (Ruth et al., 2013). This is referred to the scope of practice and determines most of their decision making. There are some factors that dictate the scope of practice among enrolled nurses. These include but are not limited to education, the wider environment, legislation, the specific setting, health needs of the given population and policy. However, coming up with decisions relating to their scope of practice, enrolled nurses are guided by decision- making tools. In particular, the scope of their practice expects them to recognize and also apply all domains in addition to the contexts of practice. Additionally, the scope must be one that guides enrolled nurses to acknowledge individual ability, for instance, skill, knowledge, and competence during the practice (Halcomb et al., 2014). La stly, enrolled nurses scope of practice is aimed at enhancing quality and safety when integrated with a method that that can manage risk. NMBA framework and its guidance to Enrolled Nurses The Board provides several pieces of advice to enrolled nurses that act as their guide. These are provided in the form of principle which forms the bases of their practice. Firstly, the board advice enrolled nurse that the main aim for decision is to meet the patients needs to enhance his or her health status (Skr, 2010). In addition to that, the board elaborates that enrolled nurses must ensure that they do not make a judgment on their own or in isolation in matters that they may be incapable of solving but rather seek consultation from team members either through collaboration or consultation (Jacob, McKenna, D'Amore, 2014). Moreover, all the decision that nurses make must be done together with the client and have to be responsible for the services provided to the client. Therefore, it requires that the practices must be backed by legislations, the level of skilled that the nurses possess or be willing and be willing to perform the task. The Importance of Competency, Education, and Authority It is known that there must be a certain level of skills, legislation or experience that must govern one in administering services. For enrolled nurses, education plays a key role in that it provides the necessary knowledge that they need to carry on with their duties (Cant, Cooper, 2010). The boards thus expect enrolled nurses to have certain qualification for them to start practicing. In addition to that, education offers nurses with the right to carry on a certain duty. According to the regulations provided by the Board, it highlights the scope of practice where one has to possess certain educational attainment (Pulcini et al., 2010). On the other hand, an enrolled nurse must be competent to perform a duty. This is because the outcome of the activity may need to be evaluated and if it falls below the expected standards, then, she or he must be held accountable for the same (Jacob, Sellick, McKenna, 2012). Lastly, having authority to either undertake or transfer duties, for enrol led nurses, authority gives them the mandate to perform a duty. Decision Making Framework and Best practice. The framework sets out principles that, when adhered to, helps enrolled nurses to maintain and achieve best patients outcome. Firstly, the board recommends that all decision must be made in a careful manner that enhances health outcome (Hayes, Bonner, Pryor, 2010). It can be done through comprehensive evaluation of the womans health needs. Secondly, the decision ought to be based on justifiable and be supported by thorough acknowledgment of specific regulations or professional requirements that are applicable (Lubbe, Roets, 2014). Another thing that ensures best practice is that all the people in the organization, which includes the manager, health practitioners or midwives share responsibility in ensuring that there is a safe environment for the working of people, or that there is continuance education for health workers to improve their skills and competency especially in emerging issues (McMullan, Jones, Lea, 2010). Lastly, decision-making process helps in analyzing shortage of staff, the risk and quality management or whether professional standards are adhered to by enrolled nurses. These are some of the many ways that help in maintaining best and quality practice for patients. Conclusion Thus, it is evident that the scope of practice for enrolled nurses in important and tries to elaborate on the roles or rather, their area of specialization. Moreover, NMBA provides guidance that helps enrolled nurses to base most of their decisions. In addition to that, in nursing, just like in any other profession enrolled nurses must have requisite education, competency, and authority to carry on a specific task. Lastly, decision-making framework sets out principles that help in maintaining the best health care practice for enrolled nurses. References Cant, R. P., Cooper, S. J. (2010). Simulation?based learning in nurse education: systematic review.Journal of advanced nursing,66(1), 3-15. Gill, F. J., Leslie, G. D., Grech, C., Latour, J. M. (2012). A review of critical care nursing staffing, education and practice standards. Australian Critical Care, 25(4), 224-237. Halcomb, E. J., Salamonson, Y., Davidson, P. M., Kaur, R., Young, S. A. (2014). The evolution of nursing in Australian general practice: a comparative analysis of workforce surveys ten years on. BMC family practice, 15(1), 52. Hayes, B., Bonner, A. N. N., Pryor, J. (2010). 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