Wednesday, May 6, 2020

I Am A First Generation College Student Essay - 1618 Words

I am a first generation college student that has made it to a higher education. I see myself as the second daughter, that has come out the land of pride and production. I am from Richmond, California, but that’s just where I geographically from, when in reality I came from a strong family of immigrants. My parents both came to the United States as a young 26, and 24-year-old parents of one child. I did not come until two years later that I came, I came into the world, and was already marked with the name of an anchor baby. As I grow up I did not really know what I was, what I did was always question myself, am I just a reason to keep my parents here longer? Why am I called an anchor baby? I felt that I did not fit in but my schools I went to school always had a mixture of students. I did not know what I was or who I was, I had not direct connection to any ethnicity. When I was in elementary school there where a mixture of Whites, Asians, Latinos, and African Americans ethnicit ies, grow up in a multicultural area I didn’t think about race or class as much as late in life. Race was a topic that I did not really think and talked about until I was placed into a private school that class was visible, and I began to be more aware or class and race. I would not talk about race or class at school, but I would wait to talk about it when I would get home. At the time I did not know what race really meant, I thought the race was just like ethnicity, I did not even think about race asShow MoreRelatedI Am A First Generation College Student1703 Words   |  7 PagesI have grown up as a middle child in a small town called Valley City, where there is such a thing as â€Å"bring your tractor to school day.† I have always loved to learn and naturally strived to do my best in school. I am a first generation college student. 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